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Liquor Amendment Act, No. 57 of 1995

Long title


Table of contents

1. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled "Amendment of section 1 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
2. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 2 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
3. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 3 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
4. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 4 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
5. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Substitution of section 5 of Act 27 of 1989"]
6. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 6 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
7. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Insertion of section 6A in Act 27 of 1989"]
8. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Substitution of section 7 of Act 27 of 1989"]
9. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 11 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
10. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 13 of Act 27 of 1989"]
11. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 15 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
12. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 16 of Act 27 of 1989"]
13. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled "Amendment of section 17 of Act 27 of 1989"]
14. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Substitution of section 18 of Act 27 of 1989"]
15. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 22 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
16. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 24 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
17. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 25 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
18. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 32 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
19. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 33 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
20. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 41 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
21. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 51 of Act 27 of 1989"]
22. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 53 of Act 27 of 1989"]
23. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 60 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
24. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled "Amendment of section 63 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
25. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 72 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
26. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 76 of Act 27 of 1989"]
27. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 78 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
28. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 80 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
29. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 82 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
30. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled "Amendment of section 86 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
31. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled "Amendment of section 94 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
32. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 104 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
33. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 108 of Act 27 of 1989"]
34. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 109 of Act 27 of 1989"]
35. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 114 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
36. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 116 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
37. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 117 of Act 27 of 1989"]
38. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 121 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
39. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 122 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
40. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 123 of Act 27 of 1989"]
41. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Substitution of section 124 of Act 27 of 1989"]
42. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Substitution of section 125 of Act 27 of 1989"]
43. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 128 of Act 27 of 1989"]
44. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 130 of Act 27 of 1989"]
45. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled "Repeal of section 133 of Act 27 of 1989"]
46. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 137 of Act 27 of 1989"]
47. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Substitution of section 139 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
48. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 179 of Act 27 of 1989"]
49. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 181 of Act 27 of 1989"]
50. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 183 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
51. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Amendment of section 187 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
52. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Conversion of certain authorities and licences"]
53. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Existing sorghum beer authorities"]
54. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Existing sportsground liquor licences"]
55. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Existing grocers' wine and malt liquor licences and general dealers' liquor licences"]
56. Repeal of laws, and savings"]
57. Pending cases in terms of Act 27 of 1989"]
58. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Substitution of expressions in Act 27 of 1989"]
59. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " Short title"]
Sch. 1. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled " SCHEDULE 1. LICENCES CONVERTED (SECTION 52)"]
Sch. 2. [...repealed by Act 2003_059_046 - was entitled "SCHEDULE 2. LAWS REPEALED (SECTION 56)"]

Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Subscription Fee Subscriber Access
As unamended Act 1995_057_000_19951004 EXT.LINK REQ.INFO LINK
As repealed by Act 2003_059_000_20040426 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.

Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2018