I. Definitions |
1. |
by Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Definitions"]
II. South African Citizenship
by Birth
2. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Persons
born in the Union or
South-West Africa prior to date of commencement of this Act"] |
3. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Persons
born in the Union after date of commencement of this Act"] |
4. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "South
African citizens by birth."] |
by Descent
5. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Persons
born outside Union prior to date of commencement of Act"] |
6. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Persons
born outside Union after date of commencement of this Act"] |
7. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "South
African citizens by descent"] |
by Registration
8. |
[...repealed by
Act 1962_069_019 - was
entitled "Certificates ofto Registration"]
9. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "South
African citizens by registration"].
10. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Certificates
of naturalization"] |
11. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "South
African citizens by naturalization"] |
11A. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was entitled "Acquisition of South African
citizenship by naturalization by virtue of permanent
[...inserted by Act 1978_053_001]
III. Married women
12. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Marriage
of a woman does not affect citizenship"] |
13. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Women
who ceased to be Union nationals or British subjects by reason of
marriage"] |
14. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Status
of certain married women"] |
IV. Loss of Citizenship
15. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was entitled "Loss of South African citizenship
generally"] [...was entitled "Loss of South African citizenship by
persons who, whilst outside the Union, acquire the citizenship or
nationality of another country"]
16. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Renunciation
of citizenship"] |
17. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Loss
of citizenship by residence outside the Union"] |
18. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Loss
of South African citizenship by certain persons resident outside
the Union"] |
19. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Deprivation
of citizenship"] |
19bis. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Deprivation of South African citizenship on
grounds of acquisition of citizenship of another country"][...inserted
by Act 1961_064_013] |
20. |
[...repealed by
Act 1981_095_006 - was entitled "Deprivation of South African
citizenship of persons deprived of citizenship elsewhere "]
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Deprivation of citizenship in case of children ][...inserted
by Act 1961_064_000]
21. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Status
of persons who cease to be South African citizens"] |
22. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Saving
of obligations incurred before loss of citizenship"] |
V. Miscellaneous
23. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "British
subjects without citizenship"] |
24. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Posthumous
children"] |
25. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Grant
of certificate of citizenship in cases of doubt"] |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Resumption
of South African citizenship"][...inserted
by Act 1961_064_000] |
26. |
[...repealed by
Act 1981_095_008 - was entitled "Copies of certificates"] |
27. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Certificates
of South African citizenship"] |
28. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Production
of evidence"] |
29. |
[...repealed by
Act 1981_095_011 - was entitled "Applications for
naturalization must comply with certain requirements"] |
30. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Representations
to Minister with regard to any person who has applied for registration
or naturalization"] |
31. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Proof
of affidavits"] |
32. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Proof
of certificates of registration or naturalization"] |
33. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Proof
of entries in registers"] |
34. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Penalty
for false representations or statements"] |
35. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Amendment
of certificates of citizenship"] |
36. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Determination
of questions of residence"] |
36bis. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Delegation
of powers and duties"] [...inserted
by Act 1961_064_016]
37. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Instruction
in the responsibilities and privileges of South African
citizenship"] |
38. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "References
in other laws to Union nationals or British subjects"] |
39. |
[...repealed by
- was entitled "Register of certificates and
of returns"] |
40. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Regulations"] |
41. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Application
of Act"] |
42. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Repeal
and amendment of laws"] |
43. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "Short
title and date of commencement"] |
Sch.1. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was
entitled "FIRST
Sch.2. |
[...repealed by
Act 1995_088_000 - was