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Commonwealth Relations Act, No. 69 of 1962

Long title

To amend the Admission of Persons to the Union Regulation Act, 1913, the Companies Act, 1926, the Aliens Act, 1937, the Aliens Registration Act, 1939, the Work Colonies Act, 1949, the South African Citizenship Act, 1949, the Population Registration Act, 1950, the Merchant Shipping Act, 1951, the Diplomatic Privileges Act, 1951, the Departure from the Union Regulation Act, 1955, the Land Settlement Act, 1956, and the Children's Act, 1960, and to provide for matters incidental thereto.

Table of contents

1. Amendment of section 24 of Act 22 of 1913...
2. Amendment of section 30bis of Act 22 of 1913...
3. ... [...repealed by Act 1973_061_017 and 442 Sch5 - was entitled "Amendment of sections 4 and 4bis..."]
4. ... [...repealed by Act 1973_061_017 and 442 Sch5 - was entitled "Amendment of section 15 of Act 46 of 1926
5. ... [...repealed by Act 1973_061_017 and 442 Sch5 - was entitled "Amendment of section 229 of Act 46 of 1926...
6. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 1 of Act 1 of 1937..."]
7. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 2 of Act 1 of 1937"]
8. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 4 of Act 1 of 1937"]
9. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 5 of Act 1 of 1937"]
10. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 6 of Act 1 of 1937"]
11. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Insertion of section 7bis in Act 1 of 1937"]
12. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 13bis of Act 1 of 1937..."]
13. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Persons who become aliens while in the Republic"]
14. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 1 of Act 26 of 1939.."]
15. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 20 of Act 26 of 1939.."].
16. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 23 of Act 26 of 1939"]
17. Amendment of section 33 of Act 25 of 1949
18. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Amendment of section 1 of Act 44 of 1949..."]
19. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Repeal of section 8 of Act 44 of 1949..."]
20. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Amendment of section 10 of Act 44 of 1949..."]
21. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Substitution of section 16 of Act 44 of 1949..."]
22. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Amendment of section 19 of Act 44 of 1949"]
23. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Amendment of section 19bis of Act 44 of 1949..."]
24. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Amendment of section 37 of Act 44 of 1949"]
25. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Amendment of section 39 of Act 44 of 1949..."]
26. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Amendment of section 40 of Act 44 of 1949"]
27. ... [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Substitution of First Schedule to Act 44 of 1949..."]
28. [...repealed by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 Sch2 - was entitled "Applications for certificates of registration not disposed of before ... commencement of section 20"]
29. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Application of sections 19 to 29, inclusive, and Act 64 of 1961"]
30. Amendment of section 21 of Act 30 of 1950...
31. Amendment of section 2 of Act 57 of 1951...
32. Amendment of section 3 of Act 57 of 1951...
33. Amendment of section 11 of Act 57 of 1951
34. Amendment of section 29 of Act 57 of 1951
35. Amendment of section 31 of Act 57 of 1951
36. Amendment of section 65 of Act 57 of 1951
37. Amendment of section 73 of Act 57 of 1951...
38. Amendment of section 74 of Act 57 of 1951
39. Amendment of section 77 of Act 57 of 1951
40. Amendment of section 79 of Act 57 of 1951
41. Amendment of section 83 of Act 57 of 1951
42. Amendment of section 84 of Act 57 of 1951
43. Amendment of section 90 of Act 57 of 1951
44. Amendment of section 93 of Act 57 of 1951
45. Amendment of section 114 of Act 57 of 1951
46. Amendment of Act 175 and 176 of Act 57 of 1951
47. Amendment of section 177 of Act 57 of 1951
48. Amendment of section 218 of Act 57 of 1951...
49. Amendment of section 221 of Act 57 of 1951
50. Amendment of section 222 of Act 57 of 1951
51. Amendment of section 262 of Act 57 of 1951
52. Amendment of section 264 of Act 57 of 1951
53. Amendment of section 266 of Act 57 of 1951
54. Amendment of section 321 and 322 of Act 57 of 1951
55. Amendment of section 327 of Act 57 of 1951...
56. Amendment of section 339 of Act 57 of 1951
57. Amendment of section 341 of Act 57 of 1951
58. Substitution of section 352 of Act 57 of 1951
59. Substitution of section 353 of Act 57 of 1951
60. Substitution of section 354 of Act 57 of 1951
61. Amendment of section 1 of Act 71 of 1951
62. Amendment of sections 4 and 5 of Act 71 of 1951
63. Amendment of section 8 of Act 71 of 1951
64. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of sections 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Act 34 of 1955"]
65. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 7 of Act 34 of 1955"]
66. ... [...repealed by Act 1991_096_060_19910703 SchIII - was entitled "Amendment of section 10 of Act 34 of 1955"]
67. Amendment of section 25 of Act 21 of 1956...
68. Amendment of section 67 of Act 21 of 1956...
69. ... [...repealed by Act 1983_074_063_19830622 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 51 of Act 33 of 1960"]
70. ... [...repealed by Act 1983_074_063_19830622 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 53 of Act 33 of 1960"]
71. Date of commencement
72. Short title

Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Subscription Fee Subscriber Access
As unamended Act 1962_069_000_19620620 [PDF EXT.LINK REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by ... N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1973_061_000_00000000N/AREQ.INFOLINK
As amended by Act 1983_074_000_19830622 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1991_096_000_19910703 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1995_088_026_19951006 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by ...N/AREQ.INFOLINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.

Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2020