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Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act, No. 20 of 1992

Long title


Table of contents

1. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled " Definitions"]
2. [...was entitled "Establishment and functions of Drug Advisory Board"] [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Establishment and functions of Drug Advisory Authority"]
2A. [...inserted by Act 1999_014_003] [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Secretariat of Central Drug Authority"]
3. [...was entitled "Powers and duties of the Board"] [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Powers and duties of Drug Authority"]
4. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Executive committee"]
5. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Other committees"]
6. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Programmes for prevention and treatment of drug dependency"]
7. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Establishment and abolition of treatment centers"]
8. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Purposes for which persons are detained in treatment centres"]
9. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Registration of certain institutions"]
10. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Establishment of hostels"]
11. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Registration of certain hostels"]
12. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Inspection of registered treatment centres, registered hostels, institutions and places"]
13. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Staff of treatment centres and hostels"]
14. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Appointment and register of volunteers"]
15. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Identification of volunteers"]
16. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Termination of appointment of volunteer and withdrawal of certificate of appointment"]
17. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Penalty for pretence as volunteer"]
18. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Remuneration of volunteers"]
19. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "False statements regarding expenses"]
20. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Liability for patrimonial loss arising from performance of service by volunteers"]
21. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Procedure for bringing persons eligible for admission to a treatment centre or registered treatment centre, before a magistrate"]
22. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Committal of persons to treatment centre or registered treatment centre after enquiry"]
23. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Postponement of order"]
24. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Temporary custody of persons pending enquiry or removal to treatment centre or registered treatment centre"]
25. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Appeals against and review of certain orders"]
26. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Detention in treatment centre or registered treatment center"]
27. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Transfer of patients from and to treatment centres and registered treatment centres"]
28. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Transfer of persons from prison to treatment center"]
29. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Retransfer from treatment centre to prison"]
30. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Transfer of persons from children's home, school of industries or reform school to treatment centre or registered treatment centre"]
31. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Retransfer from treatment centre or registered treatment centre to children's home, school of industries or reform school"]
32. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Transfer of persons from institution to treatment centre or registered treatment center"]
33. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Retransfer from treatment centre or registered treatment centre to institution"]
34. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Transfer of patients from treatment centre or registered treatment centre to institution"]
35. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Retransfer from institution to treatment centre or registered treatment centre"]
36. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Leave of absence from treatment centre or registered treatment center"]
37. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Patient of treatment centre or registered treatment centre may be released on licence"]
38. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Revocation of licence"]
39. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Method of dealing with absconders from treatment centre or registered treatment center"]
40. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Admission of voluntary patient to treatment centre"]
41. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Payment of allowances to patients of treatment centres"]
42. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Patients to have access to management and vice versa"]
43. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Maintenance of discipline in treatment centres and registered treatment centres"]
44. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Estimating of age of person"]
45. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Witnesses from treatment centre or registered treatment center"]
46. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Admission to treatment centre or registered treatment centre of persons from territories outside the Republic"]
47. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Delegation"] [was entitled "Delegation of Director-General's powers"]
48. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Regulations"]
49. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Administration of Act"]
50. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Substitution of section 255 of Act 51 of 1977"]
51. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Substitution of section 296 of Act 51 of 1977..."]
52. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Repeal of laws, and savings"]
53. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "Short title and commencement"]
Sch. [...repealed by Act 2008_070_066 - was entitled "SCHEDULE. LAWS REPEALED"]

Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Subscription Fee Subscriber Access
As unamended Act 1992_020_000_00000000 EXT.LINK REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1996_106_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1999_014_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As repealed by Act 2008_070_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.

Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2014