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National Parks Act, No. 57 of 1976

Long title


Table of contents

1. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090_20050211 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Definitions"]
2. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled "Existing parks"]**
2A. [...inserted by Act 1986_043_003] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Establishment of parks by Minister "]
2B. [...inserted by Act 1986_043_003][...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “ [Focus: Declaration of land to be a park or part of a park]
2C. [...inserted by Act 1990_023_003] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Declaration of land to be a park or part of a park after a mineral right has been acquired"]
2D. [...inserted by Act 1992_052_003] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Declaration of land to be a park or part of a park if a mineral right has not been acquired"]
3. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Acquisition of land for the purposes of a park"]
3A. [...inserted by Act 1992_052_005] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Purchase of land by board"]
4. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Object of a park"]
5. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Establishment and constitution of National Parks Board"]
6. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Period of office of members of the board"]
7. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Vacation of office by members of the board"]
8. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Cancellation of appointment of member"]
9. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Suspension and removal of member from office"]
10. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Remuneration and allowances of members of the board"]
11. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Decision of the board"]
12. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Functions and powers of the board"]
[...inserted by Act 1979_060_001] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “National Parks Land Acquisition Fund"]
13. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Manufacture, sale and supply of sorghum beer in a park by the board"]
14. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Appointment of officers and employees"]
14A. [...inserted by Act 1997_070_003] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Co-operation with certain persons and organisations"]
15. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Board may arrange for provisions of insurance cover for its members and certain other persons"]
16. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Revenue of the board, keeping of accounts and auditing"]
17. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Annual report by the board"]
18. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Exemptions from taxes, duties and fees, and duty to obtain certain licences"]
19. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Certain powers of provincial councils cease in a park"]
20. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Prohibition of prospecting and mining in certain parks"]
21. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Restriction on entry into or residence in a park, and prohibition of certain acts therein"]
22. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Rights of certain owners and occupiers of land riparian to public streams included in a park"]
23. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Purposes for which permission to enter or reside in a park may be granted"]
24. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Penalties"]
25. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Jurisdiction of magistrates' courts as to punishment"]
26. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Repealed by Act 1998_106_008 - was entitled ... (Obtain title on request)]
27. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Powers of officer or employee to arrest, search and seize"]
28. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Limitation of liability"]
29. [...repealed 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Regulations"]
30. [...repealed 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Application of Act 21 of 1935 and Act 58 of 1973 in a park"]
30A. [...inserted by Act 1982_013_002] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Delegation"]
30B. [...inserted by Act 1983_023_008] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Transfer of control over certain lake areas to board "]
30C. [...inserted by Act 1992_052_012] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Transfer of control over Knysna National Lake Area "]
30D. [...inserted by Act 1998_106_012] [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Application of Act "]
31. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Repeal of laws and savings"]
32. [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was entitled “Short title"]
Sch. 1.  [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was unttlled - FOCUS: LIST OF AREAS DEFINED AS A NATIONAL PARK IN TERMS OF S2(1)]
Sch. 2.  [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was enttlled "SCHEDULE 2. ANIMALS TO WHICH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 24 (1) APPLY"]
Sch. 3.  [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was enttlled "SCHEDULE 3. TREES OR OTHER PLANTS TO WHICH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 24 (5) APPLY"]
Sch. 4.  [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) - was enttlled "SCHEDULE 4. LAWS REPEALED"]
Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
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As unamended Act 1976_057_000_19760428 EXT.LINK REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1979_060_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1982_013_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1983_023_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1986_043_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1986_097_000_19860912 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1986_111_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1987_060_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1990_023_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1991_114_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1992_052_000_00000000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1992_091_000_19920701 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1995_038_000_19950831 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1996_088_000_19961122 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1997_033_000_19970905 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1997_070_000_19971203 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1998_106_000_19981127 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2001_054_000_20011207 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2002_028_000_20021010 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2003_057_090_20050211 Sch (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_000_20050211) N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As repealed by Act 2003_057_090_20090714 (ie as amended by Act 2009_015_008_20090714) N/A REQ.INFO LINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.

Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2014