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Professional and Technical Surveyors' Act, No. 40 of 1984
(...Title amended by Act 1993_034_025 - was entitled "Professional Land Surveyors' and Technical Surveyors' Act, No. 40 of 1984"]

Long title


[ amended by Act 1993_034_026]
[...repealed by Act 2013_019_000_20131210]

Table of contents

1. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Definitions"]
2. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Establishment of South African Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors"]
3. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Constitution of council and first meeting"]
4. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Qualifications of members of council and circumstances under which they vacate office"]
5. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Decisions of council and quorum"]
6. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "President and vice-president of council"]
7. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "General powers of council and powers of Minister relating to certain matters in respect of which the council has made recommendations"]
8. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Funds of council and keeping and auditing of accounts"]
9. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Reports to Minister"]
10. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Committees of council"]
11. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Establishment of education advisory committee"]
12. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Constitution of education advisory committee"]
13. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Tenure of office of members of education advisory committee"]
14. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Circumstances under which members of education advisory committee vacate office"]
15. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Chairman of education advisory committee"]
16. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Meetings of education advisory committee and rules of procedure"]
17. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Secretarial and administrative work of education advisory committee"]
18. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Allowances payable to members of education advisory committee"]
19. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Functions of education advisory committee"]
20. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Registration of professional surveyors"]
21. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Registration of professional surveyors in training"]
22. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Registration of technical surveyors"]
23. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Registration of survey technicians in training"]
24. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Refusal or cancellation of registration"]
25. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Return of certificates of registration and issue of copies thereof"]
26. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Registrar to give information to Chief Surveyor-General and Institutes"]
27. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Prohibition of practice as professional land surveyor, professional surveyor or technical surveyor by unregistered person"]
27A. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Carrying on of profession of professional surveyor or calling of surveyor by company"] [...inserted by Act 1993_034_016]
27B. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Carrying on of profession of professional surveyor or calling of surveyor by close corporation"] [...inserted by Act 1993_034_016]
28. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Improper conduct"]
29. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Disciplinary powers of council"]
30. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Inquiry by council"]
31. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Suspension from practising of registered persons who have become of unsound mind"]
32. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Appeals against decisions of council"]
33. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Council may readmit person"]
34. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Rules"]
35. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Procedure and evidence"]
36. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Rectification of errors"]
37. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Liability of council"]
38. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Delegation of powers"]
39. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Exemption from operation of provisions of Act"]
40. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Construction of Act 22 of 1904 of Cape of Good Hope"]
41. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Repeal and amendment of laws"]
42. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Completion of certain inquiries"]
43. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Transfer of assets and liabilities to council"]
44. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "Short title and commencement"]
Sch. [...repealed by Act 2013_019_038_20131210 Sch1 - was entitled "SCHEDULE. LAWS REPEALED OR AMENDED"]
Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Subscription Fee Subscriber Access
As unamended Act 1984_040_000_19840411 EXT.LINK REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1986_037_000_19860423 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1987_066_000_19870925 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1993_034_000_19930319 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1993_170_000_19931217 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Proclamation 1995_002_003_19950907_16511_0000_0066_0000 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1996_088_000_19961122 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1997_008_000_19970411 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2011_004_000_20110516 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As repealed by Act 2013_019_000_20131210 N/A REQ.INFO LINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.
Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2014