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Abolition of Restrictions on the Jurisdiction of Courts Act, No. 88 of 1996

Long title

To amend and repeal provisions which restrict the jurisdiction of the courts; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

Table of contents

1. Repeal of section 4 of Act 38 of 1927
2. Amendment of section 74J of Act 32 of 1944...
3. ... [...repealed Act 1998_019_011_19980605 SchI - was entitled "Amendment of section 3B of Act 52 of 1951..."]
4. ... [...repealed by Act 1998_019_011_19980605 SchI - was entitled "Amendment of section 6F of Act 52 of 1951..."]
5. Amendment of section 119 of Act 57 of 1951
6. Amendment of section 324 of Act 57 of 1951...
7. ... [...repealed by Act 2009_006_044_20090401 Sch4 - was entitled "Amendment of section 4 of Act 23 of 1955... "]
8. Amendment of section 1 of Act 45 of 1955...
9. Amendment of section 37 of Act 24 of 1956...
10. Amendment of section 48 of Act 25 of 1956...
11. Amendment of section 76 of Act 54 of 1956...
12. Amendment of section 78 of Act 54 of 1956...
13. Amendment of section 111A of Act 54 of 1956...
14. Amendment of section 116 of Act 54 of 1956...
15. ... [...repealed - was entitled "Amendment of section 68 of Act 44 of 1957..."]**
16. ... [...repealed - was entitled "Amendment of section 72D of Act 44 of 1957..."]**
17. ... [...repealed - was entitled "Amendment of section 98 of Act 44 of 1957..."]**
18. ... [...repealed - was entitled "Repeal of section 103ter of Act 44 of 1957..."]**
19. ... [...repealed - was entitled "Amendment of section 134 of the First Schedule to Act 44 of 1957"]**
20. Amendment of section 8 of Act 44 of 1958...
21. Amendment of section 27 of Act 44 of 1958...
22. Substitution of section 115 of Act 44 of 1958...
23. Amendment of section 9 of Act 6 of 1962...
24. Amendment of section 12 of Act 6 of 1962
25. Amendment of section 7 of Act 18 of 1962...
26. Amendment of section 36 of Act 95 of 1963
27. Amendment of section 13 of Act 45 of 1965...
28. Amendment of section 25 of Act 45 of 1965
29. Amendment of section 35 of Act 45 of 1965
30. Amendment of section 38 of Act 45 of 1965...
31. Repeal of section 18 of Act 59 of 1965
32. Substitution of section 25 of Act 101 of 1965
33. Amendment of section 18D of Act 3 of 1966...
34. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 21 of Act 4 of 1966..."]
35. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 56 of Act 4 of 1966..."]
36. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 85 of Act 4 of 1966..."]
37. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 85A of Act 4 of 1966..."]
38. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Substitution of section 89 of Act 4 of 1966"]
39. Amendment of section 13 of Act 81 of 1967
40. Amendment of section 9D of Act 28 of 1969...
41. Amendment of section 3 of Act 96 of 1969...
42. Substitution of section 30 of Act 35 of 1970
43. Amendment of section 7 of Act 47 of 1970
44. Amendment of section 29 of Act 18 of 1973...
45. Amendment of section 53 of Act 18 of 1973...
46. Amendment of section 8 of Act 61 of 1973
47. Amendment of section 178 of Act 61 of 1973...
48. Amendment of section 179 of Act 61 of 1973...
49. Amendment of section 371 of Act 61 of 1973
50. Amendment of section 1 of Act 78 of 1973...
51. Amendment of section 17 of Act 78 of 1973
52. Substitution of section 48 of Act 53 of 1974
53. Amendment of section 16 of Act 56 of 1974..
54. Substitution of section 47 of Act 56 of 1974
55. Amendment of section 53 of Act 56 of 1974...
56. Amendment of section 41 of Act 66 of 1974
57. Amendment of section 42 of Act 66 of 1974
58. Amendment of section 5 of Act 2 of 1975
59. ... [...repealed by Act 2018_012_060_20190329 - was entitled "Amendment of section 42 of Act 15 of 1976"
60. ... [...repealed by Act 2018_011_065_20190329 - was entitled "Amendment of section 32 of Act 53 of 1976"
61. Amendment of section 28 of Act 57 of 1976
62. Amendment of section 26 of Act 80 of 1976
63. Amendment of section 37 of Act 80 of 1976...
64. Amendment of Section 15 of Act 84 of 1976
65. Amendment of section 16 of Act 84 of 1976
66. Substitution of section 20 of Act 84 of 1976
67. Amendment of section 27 of Act 25 of 1977
68. Amendment of section 111 of Act 51 of 1977...
69. Amendment of section 185 of Act 51 of 1977...
70. Amendment of section 15 of Act 63 of 1977...
71. Amendment of section 18 of Act 63 of 1977...
72. Amendment of section 20 of Act 63 of 1977...
73. Amendment of section 22 of Act 63 of 1977
74. Substitution of section 58 of Act 63 of 1977
75. Amendment of section 63 of Act 63 of 1977...
76. Substitution of section 40 of Act 74 of 1977
77. Amendment of section 15 of Act 50 of 1978...
78. ... [...repealed by Act 2005_033_060_20060529 Sch - was entitled "Substitution of section 34 of Act 50 of 1978"]
79. Amendment of section 39 of Act 50 of 1978...
80. Amendment of section 25 of Act 110 of 1978
81. Substitution of section 26 of Act 110 of 1978
82. Amendment of section 16 of Act 19 of 1979
83. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 6 of Act 76 of 1979"]
84. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 20 of Act 76 of 1979"]
85. ... [...repealed by Act 1997_107_020_19971219 Sch - was entitled "Amendment of section 25 of Act 76 of 1979"]
86. Amendment of section 10 of Act 96 of 1979...
87. Amendment of section 15 of Act 96 of 1979
88. Amendment of section 30 of Act 6 of 1981...
89. Amendment of section 7 of Act 54 of 1981
90. Amendment of section 22 of Act 68 of 1981
91. Amendment of section 231 of Act 91 of 1981
92. Amendment of section 14 of Act 104 of 1981...
93. Amendment of section 16A of Act 63 of 1982...
94. Amendment of section 38A of Act 63 of 1982...
95. Amendment of section 21 of Act 43 of 1983
96. Amendment of section 42 of Act 74 of 1983...
97. Substitution of section 32 of Act 19 of 1984
98. Amendment of section 23 of Act 35 of 1984
99. Substitution of section 37 of Act 40 of 1984
100. Amendment of section 6A of Act 115 of 1984...
101. Substitution of section 75 of Act 56 of 1986
102. Amendment of section 21 of Act 41 of 1987
103. ... [...repealed by Act 1998_018_084_19980821 Sch1 - was entitled "Amendment of section 22 of Act 12 of 1988"]
104. ... [...repealed by Act 1998_018_084_19980821 Sch1 - was entitled "Amendment of section 36 of Act 12 of 1988..."]
105. Amendment of section 26 of Act 97 of 1990...
106. Substitution of section 24 of Act 114 of 1990
107. ... [...repealed by Act 2005_026_058_20060401 Sch - was entitled "Substitution of section 26 of Act 80 of 1991"]
108. Amendment of section 52 of Act 122 of 1992
109. Short title

Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Subscription Fee Subscriber Access
As unamended Act 1996_088_000_19961122 EXT.LINK REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1997_107_000_19971219 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1998_018_000_19980527 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1998_019_000_19980605 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2005_026_000_20060116 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2005_033_000_20060529 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2009_006_000_20090401 N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2018_011_000_20190329N/AREQ.INFOLINK
As amended by Act 2018_012_000_20190329N/AREQ.INFOLINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.
Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2019