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Revenue Laws Amendment Act, No. 59 of 2000

Long title

To amend the Estate Duty Act, 1955, so as to insert a definition; to amend the Income Tax Act, 1962, so as to delete certain definitions; to amend certain definitions; to insert certain definitions; to make certain decisions of the Commissioner subject to objection and appeal; to further regulate rebates in respect of foreign taxes on income; to further regulate income deemed to have been received or accrued to a person subsequent to any donation, settlement or other disposition; to further regulate the recovery and recoupment of certain deductions and allowances; to further regulate income deemed to be from a source in the Republic; to repeal a section relating to investment income of foreign investment companies; to repeal a section relating to taxation of investment income from foreign sources; to further regulate the taxation of income of controlled foreign entities; to further regulate the taxation of foreign dividends received by or accrued to residents; to regulate income received by or accrued to residents from foreign sources; to make provision for the exemption of amounts received or accrued from the social security system of any other country and foreign pensions; to make provision for further exemptions and to withdraw an exemption; to further regulate an exemption relating to services rendered outside the Republic; to further regulate the exemption of certain amounts received from the State; to further regulate the deduction of expenses and losses; to further regulate the allowances of depreciation of assets used in a taxpayer’s trade to take into account the period of use of such assets in a trade which was not previously taxable; to repeal a section relating to the deduction of expenses incurred in appointing agents outside the Republic; to further regulate the deductibility of contributions to any medical scheme to include medical schemes registered under the laws of any other country; to further regulate the set off of assessed losses to provide that foreign losses may not be set off against income from a trade carried on in the Republic; to further regulate the acquisition of trading stock; to further regulate the limitation of certain deductions; to further regulate gains or losses on foreign exchange transactions; to further regulate the taxation of trusts and beneficiaries of trusts; to make provision for the determination of taxable income or losses in foreign currency; to further regulate the determination of taxable income of certain persons in respect of international transactions; to further regulate the taxation of persons who derive income from royalties or similar payments; to further regulate the levy and recovery of secondary tax on companies; to further regulate certain amounts deemed to be dividends; to make provision for the submission of returns relating to the participation rights in a controlled foreign entity; to further regulate appeals to the specially constituted board; to provide that foreign taxes be taken into account in the determination of interest payable on underpayments and overpayments of provisional tax; to provide that restraint of trade payments be included in remuneration for the purposes of the determination of employees’ tax to be deducted; to provide that where an employer is not a resident the representative taxpayer of such employer shall be obliged to deduct or withhold employees’ tax; to provide that the Commissioner may take into account any rebates of foreign tax when prescribing deduction tables for the purposes of employees’ tax; to provide that there shall be included in ‘‘net remuneration’’ any annuity provided by a pension fund, provident fund or benefit fund even if such annuity is not payable by such fund; to provide that the Commissioner may take into account any rebates of foreign tax when prescribing tables for optional use by provisional taxpayers; to make provision in the definition of ‘‘official rate of interest’’ for any loan which is denominated in a foreign currency; to delete certain references to obsolete provisions; and to effect certain consequential and textual amendments; to amend the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, so as to make provision for non-reciprocal preferential tariff treatment of goods exported from the Republic; and to effect certain consequential amendments; to amend the Stamp Duties Act, 1968, so as to make provision for an exemption; to amend the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991, so as to amend certain definitions; and to further regulate appeals to the specially constituted board; to amend the Tax on Retirement Funds Act, 1996, so as to effect certain consequential amendments; and to delete certain references to obsolete provisions; to amend the Skills Development Levies Act, 1999, so as to make provision for the application of certain provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1962; and to amend the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2000, so as to rectify a reference to an incorrect date; to further regulate the deductibility of donations made to public benefit organisations; to further regulate the exemption from income tax of the receipts and accruals of public benefit organisations; to further regulate the payment of air passenger tax; and to amend Schedule 1 to that Act to amend a definition; and to provide for matters in connection therewith.

Table of contents

1.  Amendment of section 1 of Act 45 of 1955...
2.  Amendment of section 1 of Act 58 of 1962...
3.  Amendment of section 3 of Act 58 of 1962...
4.  Substitution of section 6quat of Act 58 of 1962...
5.  Amendment of section 7 of Act 58 of 1962...
6.  Amendment of section 8 of Act 58 of 1962...
7.  Amendment of section 9 of Act 58 of 1962...
8.  Repeal of section 9A of Act 58 of 1962...
9.  Repeal of section 9C of Act 58 of 1962...
10.  Amendment of section 9D of Act 58 of 1962...
11.  Amendment of section 9E of Act 58 of 1962...
12.  Insertion of section 9F in Act 58 of 1962
13.  Amendment of section 10 of Act 58 of 1962...
14.  Amendment of section 10A of Act 58 of 1962...
15.  Amendment of section 11 of Act 58 of 1962...
16.  Amendment of section 11bis of Act 58 of 1962...
17.  Amendment of section 12B of Act 58 of 1962...
18.  Amendment of section 12C of Act 58 of 1962...
19.  Amendment of section 12D of Act 58 of 1962...
20. Amendment of section 13 of Act 58 of 1962...
21.  Amendment of section 13bis of Act 58 of 1962...
22.  Amendment of section 13ter of Act 58 of 1962...
23.  Amendment of section 14 of Act 58 of 1962...
24.  Amendment of section 14bis of Act 58 of 1962...
25.  Repeal of section 17 of Act 58 of 1962...
26.  Amendment of section 18 of Act 58 of 1962...
27.  Amendment of section 20 of Act 58 of 1962...
28.  Amendment of section 23F of Act 58 of 1962...
29. Amendment of section 23H of Act 58 of 1962...
30. Amendment of section 24F of Act 58 of 1962...
31. Amendment of section 24I of Act 58 of 1962...
32. Amendment of section 25B of Act 58 of 1962...
33. Insertion of section 25D in Act 58 of 1962
34. Amendment of section 27 of Act 58 of 1962...
35. Amendment of section 28bis of Act 58 of 1962...
36. Amendment of section 29A of Act 58 of 1962...
37. Amendment of section 31 of Act 58 of 1962...
38. Amendment of section 33 of Act 58 of 1962...
39. Amendment of section 35 of Act 58 of 1962...
40. Substitution of section 54 of Act 58 of 1962...
41. Amendment of section 56 of Act 58 of 1962...
42. Amendment of section 64B of Act 58 of 1962...
43. Amendment of section 64C of Act 58 of 1962...
44. Amendment of section 70 of Act 58 of 1962...
45. Amendment of section 72 of Act 58 of 1962
46. Insertion of section 72A in Act 58 of 1962
47. Amendment of section 83A of Act 58 of 1962...
48. Amendment of section 89bis of Act 58 of 1962...
49. Amendment of section 89ter of Act 58 of 1962...
50. Amendment of section 89quat of Act 58 of 1962..
51. Amendment of section 90 of Act 58 of 1962...
52. Amendment of section 103 of Act 58 of 1962...
53. Amendment of paragraph 1 of Fourth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962...
54. Amendment of paragraph 2 of Fourth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962...
55. Amendment of paragraph 9 of Fourth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962...
56. Amendment of paragraph 11B of Fourth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962...
57. Amendment of paragraph 17 of Fourth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962...
58. Amendment of paragraph 2 of Fifth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962...
59. Amendment of paragraph 1 of Seventh Schedule to Act 58 of 1962...
60. Amendment of section 1 of Act 91 of 1964...
61. Insertion of section 46A in Act 91 of 1964
62. Amendment of section 80 of Act 91 of 1964...
63. Amendment of item 15 of Schedule 1 to Act 77 of 1968...
64. Amendment of section 1 of Act 89 of 1991...
65. Amendment of section 33A of Act 89 of 1991...
66. Amendment of section 1 of Act 38 of 1996...
67. Amendment of section 3 of Act 38 of 1996...
68. Amendment of section 4 of Act 38 of 1996...
69. Amendment of section 16 of Act 38 of 1996...
70. Amendment of section 13 of Act 9 of 1999...
71. Amendment of section 12 of Act 30 of 2000
72. Amendment of section 24 of Act 30 of 2000
73. Amendment of section 35 of Act 30 of 2000
74. Amendment of section 59 of Act 30 of 2000
75. Amendment of paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 to Act 30 of 2000
76. Short title and commencement

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