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South Africa

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Farming (includes Agriculture)

This is UNCERTIFIED information. For authentic information please refer to information that has been certified as correct. In case of any mistake, please advise us. Where Acts are marked as amended or repealed, please note any transitional and commencement provisions which may affect the implementation or commencement of the amendment or the repeal. If you would like any LINK activated, please contact us regarding subscriptions.

1993 175 Agricultural Development Fund Act LINK
1919 022 Agricultural Holdings (Transvaal) Registration Act LINK
1929 019 Agricultural Holdings (Transvaal) Registration Act Amendment Act LINK
1925 016 Agricultural Industries Advancement Act LINK
1959 011 Agricultural Industries Advancement Act LINK
1911 011 Agricultural Pests Act  LINK
1919 010 Agricultural Pests (Citrus Canker) Act LINK
1957 042 Agricultural Pests Act LINK
1973 003 Agricultural Pests Act LINK
1983 036 Agricultural Pests Act LINK
1922 012 Agricultural Pests Act Amendment Act LINK
1924 006 Agricultural Pests Act Further Amendment Act LINK
1933 018 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1934 015 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1963 015 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1967 014 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1970 059 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1985 017 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1986 047 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1989 018 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1992 009 Agricultural Pests Amendment Act LINK
1975 012 Agricultural Produce Agency Sales Act LINK
1982 020 Agricultural Produce Agency Sales Amendment Act LINK
1987 057 Agricultural Produce Agency Sales Amendment Act LINK
1992 012 Agricultural Produce Agents Act LINK
2003 047 Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Act LINK
1917 035 Agricultural Produce Export Act LINK
1939 004 Agricultural Produce Export Amendment Act LINK
1947 034 Agricultural Produce Export Amendment Act LINK
1951 036 Agricultural Produce Export Amendment Act LINK
1963 004 Agricultural Produce Export Amendment Act LINK
1964 058 Agricultural Produce Export Amendment Act LINK
1990 119 Agricultural Product Standards Act LINK
1998 063 Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Act LINK
2023012Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Act, No. 12 of 2023LINK
1971 051 Agricultural Products Export Act LINK
1922 016 Agricultural Products Grading Act LINK
1959 009 Agricultural Products Grading Act LINK
1930 006 Agricultural Products Packing and Marking Act  LINK
1930 042 Agricultural Warehouse Act LINK
1964 030 Agricultural Warehouse Amendment Act LINK
1996 087 Agriculture Laws Extension Act LINK
1959 010 Agriculture Produce Export Act LINK
1922 017 Angora Goat Export Prohibition (Repealing) Act LINK
1964 033 Assistance to Farmers Amendment Act LINK
1910 011 Cape Province Cattle Cleansing Act LINK
1977082Common Pasture Management Act, No. 82 of 1977 [...repealed by Act 1992_139_034_1920715 Sch]LINK
1930 005 Diseases of Stock (Amendment) Act LINK
1925 018 Diseases of Stock 1911, Further Amendment Act LINK
1911 014 Diseases of Stock Act LINK
1916 025 Diseases of Stock Act Amendment Act LINK
1923 031 Diseases of Stock Act Amendment Act LINK
1937 037 Diseases of Stock Amendment Act LINK
1940 017 Diseases of Stock Amendment Act LINK
1970 061 Egg Production Control Act LINK
1980 081 Egg Production Control Amendment Act LINK
1917 021 Fertilisers, Farm Foods, Seeds and Pest Remedies Act LINK
1947 036 Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act LINK
1972 017 Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Amendment Act LINK
1977 024 Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Amendment Act LINK
1980 004 Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Amendment Act LINK
1950 048 Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Seeds and Remedies Amendment Act LINK
1970 060 Fertilizers, Farm Seeds and Remedies Amendment Act LINK
1961 029 Foundation Seed Act LINK
1932 023 Mealie Control (Amendment) Act LINK
1931 039 Mealie Control Act LINK
1935 059 Mealie Control Amendment Act LINK
1937 048 Mealie Control Amendment Act LINK
1925 013 Orchard Cleansing Act LINK
1947 026 Orchards and Cultivated Plants Cleansing Act LINK
1920 022 Registration of Pedigree Livestock Act LINK
1957 028 Registration of Pedigree Livestock Act LINK
1951 037 Registration of Pedigree Livestock Amendment Act LINK
1962 027 Registration of Pedigree Livestock Amendment Act LINK
1967 001 Registration of Pedigree Livestock Amendment Act LINK
1923 026 Stock Theft Act LINK
1959 057 Stock Theft Act LINK
1942 016 Stock Theft Amendment Act LINK
1973 013 Stock Theft Amendment Act LINK
1990 028 Stock Theft Amendment Act LINK
1998 064 Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act Repeal Act  LINK
1936 028 Sugar Act LINK
1978 009 Sugar Act LINK
1955 017 Sugar Amendment Act LINK
1958 026 Sugar Amendment Act LINK
1984 009 Sugar Amendment Act LINK
1987 069 Sugar Amendment Act LINK
1992 071 Sugar Amendment Act LINK
1937 029 Unbeneficial Occupation of Farms Act LINK
1939 035 Unbeneficial Occupation of Farms Amendment Act LINK
1960 023 Wattle Bark Industry Act LINK
1918 017 Wheat Conservation Act LINK
1930 010 Wheat Importation Restriction Act LINK
1935 058 Wheat Industry Control Act LINK
1946 019 Wool Act LINK
1967 059 Wool Act LINK
1947 035 Wool Amendment Act LINK
1955 057 Wool Amendment Act LINK
1959 012 Wool Amendment Act LINK
1962 022 Wool Amendment Act LINK
1964 004 Wool Amendment Act LINK
1969 046 Wool Amendment Act LINK
1965 078 Wool and Wool Commission Amendment Act LINK
1967 026 Wool and Wool Commission Amendment Act LINK
1962 023 Wool Commission Amendment Act LINK
1960 035 Wool Commission and Wool Amendment Act LINK
1952 060 Wool Profits Distribution and Wool Amendment Act LINK
1998 072 Agricultural Laws Rationalisation Act LINK

Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2019