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Sexual Offences Act, No. 23 of 1957
[... Title amended by Act 1988_002_010_19880304
wef 1988/03/04 - was entitled "Immorality Act, 1957"]

Long title

To consolidate and amend the Jaws relating to brothels and unlawful carnal  intercourse and other acts in relation thereto.

Table of contents

1. Definitions
2. Keeping a brothel
3. Certain persons deemed to keep a brothel
4. Onus of proof
5. Contract to let house or place of brothel void
6. Use of house or place as a brothel avoids contract of letting
7. Summary ejectment hen a house or place is used as a brothel
8. Proceedings upon complaint by householders or police that a house or place is used as a brothel
9. ... [... repealed by Act 2007_032_068_20071214 - as entitled "Parent or guardian procuring defilement of child or ward"] 
10. Procuration
11. ... [... repealed by Act 2007_032_068_20071214 - as entitled "Conspiracy to defile"] 
12. Detention for purposes of unlawful carnal intercourse
12A.Assistance for purposes of unlawful carnal intercourse [... inserted by Act 1967_068_002_19670601] 
13. ... [... repealed by Act 2007_032_068_20071214 - as entitled "Abduction] 
14. ... [... Title amended by Act 1969_057_001_19690501 - was entitled "Sexual offences with girls or boys under sixteen"]  [... Title amended by Act 1988_002_005_19880304 - was entitled "Sexual offences with girls under sixteen or boys under nineteen"]   [... repealed by Act 2007_032_068_20071214 - as entitled "Sexual offences with youths"] 
15. ... [... Title amended by Act 1988_002_005_19880304 - was entitled "Sexual offences with female idiots or imbeciles"]  [... repealed by Act 2007_032_068_20071214 - as entitled "Sexual offences with idiots or imbeciles"]
16. ... [... repealed by Act 1985_072_000_19850619 - was entitled "Sexual offences between white persons and coloured persons"] 
17. Owner or occupier permitting on his premises the defilement of a female or any offence against this Act
18. ... [... repealed by Act 1985_072_000_19850619 - was entitled "Use of drugs, etc., for purposes of defilement of females"] 
18A. ... [... inserted by Act 1969_057_002_19690501]  [... repealed by Act 1985_072_000_19850619 - was entitled "Manufacture, sale or supply of article which is intended to be used to perform an unnatural sexual act]" 
19. Enticing to commission of immoral acts
20. Persons living on earnings of prostitution or committing or assisting in commission of indecent acts
20A. ... [... inserted by Act 1969_057_003_19690501]   [... repealed by Act 1985_072_000_19850619 - was entitled "Acts committed between men at a patty and which are calculated to stimulate sexual passion or to give sexual gratification, prohibited"] 
21. Presumptions
22. Penalties
23. Repeal of laws
24. Application of Act to the territory of South-West Africa
25. Short title
Sch.  SCHEDULE [SECTION 23) [s23]
Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Information Text Access
As unamended Act 1957_023_000_19570412  EXT.LINK  REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1967_068_000_19670601 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1969_057_000_19690521 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1985_072_000_19850619 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1988_002_000_19880304 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1992_004_000_19920311 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1992_139_000_19920715 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1993_132_000_19931006 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2007_032_000_20071214 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by ... N/A REQ.INFO LINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.

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