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General Laws Amendment Act, No. 70 of 1968

Long title

To repeal the Registration of Firms Act, 1906, of Natal, and the Beef Export Bounties Act, 1923; to amend the Liquor Act, 1928; the Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers Admission Amendment Act, 1965; the Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers Admission Act; 1934; the Protection of Names, Uniforms and Badges Act, 1935; the Bantu Trust and Land Act, 1936; the Matrimonial Causes Jurisdiction Act, 1939; the Land Bank Act, 1944; the South African Reserve Bank Act, 1944; the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944; the Soil Conservation Act, 1946; the South African Tourist Corporation Act, 1947; the· Rents Act, 1950; the Suppression of Communism Act, 1950; the Criminal Procedure Act, 1955; the Animal Diseases and Parasites Act, 1956, and the General Law Amendment Act, 1956; to repeal the Special Justices of the Peace Act, 1957; to amend the Public Service Act, 1957; the Prisons Act, 1959, and the Extradition Act, 1962; to repeal section 34 of the General Law Further Amendment Act, 1962; to amend the Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, 1963; the Gambling Act, 1965; the Hotels Act, 1965; the Agricultural Credit Act, 1966, and the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967; and to validate Proclamation No. R.123 f.1967. ·

Table of contents

1. Repeal of Act 35 of 1906 (Natal)
2. Repeal of Act 12 of 1923
3. Substitution of section 45bis of Act 30 of 1928...
4. Amendment of section 75 of Act 30 of 1928...
5. Insertion of section 101 of Act 30 of 1928
6. Insertion of section 118ter in Act 30 of 1928
7. Insertion of section 132 in Act 30 of 1928
8. Substitution of section 134 of Act 30 of 1928...
9. Amendment of section 162 of Act 30 of 1928...
10. Amendment of section 163 of Act 30 of 1928...
11. Amendment of section 164 of Act 30 of 1928...
12. Amendment of section 166 of Act 30 of 1928...
13. Amendment of section 168 of Act 30 of 1928...
14. ... [... repealed by Act 1979_053_086_19790601 - was entitled "Repeal of section 17 of Act 26 of 1965"] 
15. ... [... repealed by Act 1979_053_086_19790601 - was entitled "Amendment of section 18 of Act 23 of 1934..."]
16. ...  [... repealed by Act 1979_053_086_19790601 - was entitled "Amendment of section 27 of Act 23 of 1934..."]
17. ... [... repealed by Act 1979_053_086_19790601 - was entitled "Amendment of section 32 of Act 23 of 1934.. "]
18. ... [... repealed by Act 1979_053_086_19790601 - was entitled "Amendment of section 32bis of Act 23 of 1934..."]
19. Amendment of section 11ter of Act 23 of 1935...
20. Amendment of section 13 of Act 18 of 1936...
21. ...  [... repealed by Act 1979_070_000_19790615 - was entitled "Amendment of section 1 of Act 22 of 1939..."]
22. ...  [... repealed by Act 1979_070_000_19790615 - was entitled "Substitution of section 7ter of Act 22 of 1939..."]
23. ... [... repealed by Act 1979_070_000_19790615 - was entitled "Substitution for the word "Union" of the word "Republic" in Act 22 of 1939"]
24. Amendment of section 10 of Act 13 of 1944...
25. ... [... repealed by 1989_090_000_19890614 - was entitled "Amendment of First Schedule to Act 29 of 1944..."] 
26. Amendment of section 4 of Act 32 of 1944...
27. Amendment of section 7 of Act 32 of 1944...
28. Amendment of section 14 of Act 32 of 1944...
29. Amendment of section 15 of Act 32 of 1944...
30. Amendment of section 65 of Act 32 of 1944...
31. ... [... repealed by Act 1977_051_344_19770506 - was entitled "Substitution of section 93bis of Act 32 of 1944..."] 
32. Amendment of section 1 of Act 45 of 1946...
33. Insertion of section 9A in Act 54 of 1947
34. Amendment of section 3 of Act 43 of 1950
35. Amendment of section 33 of Act 43 of 1950...
36. Amendment of section 10 of Act 44 of 1950...
37. ...[... repealed by Act 1977_051_344_19770506 - was entitled "Amendment of section 5 of Act 56 of 1955.. "]
38. ... [... repealed by Act 1977_051_344_19770506 - was entitled "Amendment of section 27 of Act 56 of 1955..."]
39. ...[... repealed by Act 1977_051_344_19770506 - was entitled "Amendment of section 108bis of Act 56 of 1955... "]
40. ... [... repealed by Act 1977_051_344_19770506 - was entitled "Amendment of section 259 of Act 56 of 1955"]
41. ... [... repealed by Act 1977_051_344_19770506 - was entitled "Insertion of section 33ter in Act 56 of 1955"]
42. Substitution of section 5 of Act 13 of 1956
43. Substitution of section 5 of Act 50 of 1956
44. Repeal of Act 19 of 1957
45. Amendment of section 4 of Act 54 of 1957...
46. Amendment of section 1 of Act 8 of 1959...
47. Substitution of section 3 of Act 8 of 1959
48. Substitution of section 4 of Act 8 of 1959
49. Amendment of section 55 of Act 8 of 1959
50. Amendment of section 68 of Act 8 of 1959...
51. Amendment of section 93 of Act 8 of 1959...
52. Substitution of section 96 of Act 8 of 1959
53. Amendment of section 2 of Act 67 of 1962...
54. Amendment of section 19 of Act 67 of 1962...
55. Repeal of section 34 of Act 93 of 1962
56. Amendment of section 2 of Act 80 of 1963
57. Amendment of the Schedule to Act 51 of 1965
58. Amendment of section 1 of Act 70 of 1965
59. Amendment of section 33 of Act 70 of 1965
60. Substitution of section 45 of Act 28 of 1966
61. Amendment of section 2 of Act 84 of 1967
62. Validation of Proclamation No. R.123 of 1967
63. Short title and commencement
Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Information Text Access
As unamended Act 1968_070_000_19680621  EXT.LINK  REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1977_051_000_19770506 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1979_053_000_19790601 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1979_070_000_19790615 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1989_090_000_19890614 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by ... N/A REQ.INFO LINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.

Copyright © Rita V Felgate 2023