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Administration of Estates Amendment Act, No. 12 of 1984
Long title To amend the Administration of Estates Act, 1965, so as to make further provision for. the liquidation' of. estates of persons who upon their death are not resident in the Republic; to provide for the submission to the Master of supplementary liquidation and distribution accounts in respect of assets found in estates after the final accounts were submitted; to exempt. the executor in certain circumstances from the duty to publish certain notices in respect of certain accounts; to provide that vouchers in support of certain liquidation and distribution accounts need only be submitted if the Master so requires; to exempt natural guardians of minor heirs in certain circumstances from the obligation to provide security in respect of money or. other movable property paid or delivered to them on ,behalf of.such heirs;. and to make further provision in connection with the payment of moneys in the guardian's fund to natural guardians of minors; and to provide for matters connected therewith. Table of contents
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