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South Africa

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This is UNCERTIFIED information. For authentic information please refer to information that has been certified as correct. In case of any mistake, please advise us. Where Acts are marked as amended or repealed, please note any transitional and commencement provisions which may affect the implementation or commencement of the amendment or the repeal. If you would like any LINK activated, please contact us regarding subscriptions.

1972 086 Nama in South West Africa Education Act LINK
1976 032 Nama in South-West Africa Education Amendment Act LINK
1972 079 Namaland Consolidation and Administration Act LINK
1937 040 Namaqualand Copper Mines Income Tax Relief Act LINK
1939 027 Natal Advocates and Attorneys Preservation of Rights Act LINK
1920 011 Natal and Transvaal Marriage Law Amendment Act LINK
1912 007 Natal Bank (Limited) Laws 1888 to 1912 Private Act LINK
1921 009 Natal Black High Court Act LINK
1950 046 Natal Black High Court Amendment Act LINK
1926 024 Natal Conveyancers Act [...repealed by Act 2014_028_119 Sch] LINK
1912 001 Natal Development Trust and Black Administration Amendment Act LINK
1964 086 Natal Divorce Laws Amendment Act LINK
1975 060 Natal Ecclesiastical Properties and Trusts Amendment (Private) Act LINK
1927 001 Natal Gambling Law Amendment Act LINK
1947 022 Natal Mines Amendment Act LINK
1955 020 Natal Mines Amendment Act LINK
1957 040 Natal Mines Amendment Act LINK
1911 026 Natal Poll Tax Act, 1905, Amendment Act LINK
1913 008 Natal Poll Tax Further Suspension Act LINK
1914 030 Natal Poll Tax Further Suspension Act LINK
1914 011 Natal Public Health Acts (Re-enactment and Amendment) Act LINK
1997 055 National Advisory Council on Innovation Act LINK
1962 086 National Advisory Education Council Act LINK
1996 043 National Archives and Record Service of South Africa Act LINK
1997 056 National Arts Council Act LINK
1989 062 National Building Regulations and Building Amendment Act LINK
1977 103 National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act LINK
1984 036 National Building Regulations and Building Standards Amendment Act LINK
1995 049 National Building Regulations and Building Standards Amendment Act LINK
2002 041 National Conventional Arms Control Act LINK
2001 006 National Council for Library and Information Services Act LINK
1997 017 National Council of Provinces (Permanent Delegates Vacancies) Act LINK
2024009National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Act, No. 9 of 2024 . LINK
2005 034 National Credit Act LINK
2014 019 National Credit Amendment Act, No. 19 of 2014 LINK
2019 007 National Credit Amendment Act, No. 7 of 2019** [NOTE: Withdraws and substitutes Act 2019_007_000_20190819_42649_1081] LINK
1969 027 National Culture Promotion Act LINK
1977 017 National Culture Promotion Amendment Act LINK
1998 108 National Development Agency Act LINK
2003 006 National Development Agency Amendment Act LINK
1994 035 National Economic, Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Act LINK
1996 027 National Education Policy Act, No. 27 of 1996 [...entitled "National Policy on the Salaries and Conditions of Employment of Educators Act, No. 27 of 1996"] LINK
1969 073 National Education Policy Amendment Act LINK
1974 092 National Education Policy Amendment Act LINK
1975 017 National Education Policy Amendment Act LINK
1978 025 National Education Policy Amendment Act LINK
1982 025 National Education Policy Amendment Act LINK
1986 103 National Education Policy Amendment Act (House of Assembly) LINK
1991 090 National Education Policy Amendment Act (House of Assembly) LINK
1993 143 National Emergency Telephone Service Act LINK
1998 105 National Empowerment Fund Act LINK
2008 034 National Energy Act LINK
2004 040 National Energy Regulator Act LINK
2008 014 National Environment Laws Amendment Act, No. 14 of 2008 [...relabeled by Act 2013_014_039_20130729 wef 2013/07/24 - now labeled Act 14 of 2009] LINK
2008 044 National Environment Laws Amendment Act, No. 44 of 2008 LINK
2009 014 National Environmental Laws Amendment Act, No. 14 of 2009 [...relabeled by Act 2013_014_039_20130729 wef 2013/07/24 - was labeled Act 14 of 2008] LINK
1998 107 National Environmental Management Act ("NEMA") LINK
2004 008 National Environmental Management Act Amendment Act, No. 8 of 2004 LINK
2002 056 National Environmental Management Amendment Act ("National Environmental Management Amendment NEMA Act") LINK
2003 046 National Environmental Management Amendment Act, No. 46 of 2003 LINK
2008 062 National Environmental Management Amendment Act, No. 62 of 2008 LINK
2013 014 National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Act, No. 14 of 2013 LINK
2014 025 National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Act, No. 25 of 2014 LINK
2022002National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Act, No. 2 of 2022 . LINK
2013 030 National Environmental Management Laws Second Amendment Act, No. 30 of 2013 LINK
2004 039 National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, No. 39 of 2004 ("NEM: AQA") LINK
2014 020 National Environmental Management: Air Quality Amendment Act, No. 20 of 2014 LINK
2004 010 National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, No. 10 of 2004 ("NEMBA") LINK
2008 024 National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, No. 24 of 2008 [...published as "National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2007" and amended to  "National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008" by Act 2014_036_062]  LINK
2014 036 National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, No. 36 of 2014 LINK
2003 057 National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, No. 57 of 2003 LINK
2004 031 National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Amendment Act, No. 31 of 2004 LINK
2009 015 National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Amendment Act, No. 15 of 2009 LINK
2014 021 National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Amendment Act, No. 21 of 2014 LINK
2008 059 National Environmental Management: Waste Act, No. 59 of 2008 LINK
2014 026 National Environmental Management Waste Amendment Act, No. 26 of 2014 LINK
1997 073 National Film and Video Foundation Act, No. 73 of 1997 LINK
1963 073 National Film Board Act LINK
1969 007 National Film Board Amendment Act LINK
1949 033 National Finance Corporation Act LINK
1955 039 National Finance Corporation Amendment Act LINK
1960 015 National Finance Corporation Amendment Act LINK
2001 012 National Forest and Fire Laws Amendment Act LINK
1998 084 National Forests Act LINK
2022001National Forests Amendment Act, No. 1 of 2022 . LINK
1996 033  National Gambling Act, No. 33 of 1996 [...repealed by Act  2004_007_000_20040812] LINK
2004 007 National Gambling Act LINK
1999 039 National Gambling Amendment Act LINK
2003 061 National Health Act LINK
2013 012 National Health Amendment Act LINK
2000 037 National Health Laboratory Service Act LINK
2001 024 National Health Laboratory Service Amendment Act LINK
2019 005 National Health Laboratory Service Amendment Act, No. 5 of 2019 LINK
2024020National Health Insuirance Act, No. 20 of 2023 . LINK
1999 011 National Heritage Council Act LINK
1999 025 National Heritage Resources Act LINK
1997 010 National House of Traditional Leaders Act ("Council of Traditional Leaders Act") LINK
2009` 022 National House of Traditional Leaders Act, No. 22 of 2009 [... repealed by Act 2019_003_065_20191128 Sch4]  LINK
2000 020 National House of Traditional Leaders Amendment Act  LINK
1965 090 National Institute for Metallurgy Act LINK
1972 048 National Institute for Metallurgy Amendment Act LINK
1975 023 National Institute for Metallurgy Amendment Act LINK
1977 075 National Institute for Metallurgy Amendment Act LINK
1978 045 National Institute for Metallurgy Amendment Act LINK
1979 082 National Institute for Metallurgy Amendment Act LINK
1980 102 National Key Points Act [...repealed by Act 2019_008_029 and 030_20191128 Sch] LINK
1984 044 National Key Points Amendment Act LINK
1985 047 National Key Points Amendment Act LINK
2009 005 National Land Transport Act, No. 5 of 2009 LINK
2023023National Land Transport Amendment Act, No. 23 of 2023 .
1998 045 National Land Transport Interim Arrangements Act LINK
2000 022 National Land Transport Transition Act LINK
2001 031 National Land Transport Transition Amendment Act LINK
1985 056 National Libraries Act LINK
1991 023 National Libraries Amendment Act LINK
1998 092 National Library of South Africa Act LINK
2018 009 National Minimum Wage Act, No. 9 of 2018 LINK
2020003National Minimum Wage Amendment Act, No. 3 of 2020LINK
1969 028 National Monuments Act LINK
1970 022 National Monuments Amendment Act LINK
1971 030 National Monuments Amendment Act LINK
1979 035 National Monuments Amendment Act LINK
1981 013 National Monuments Amendment Act LINK
1991 025 National Monuments Amendment Act LINK
1999 047 National Nuclear Regulator Act LINK
1926 056 National Parks Act LINK
1962 042 National Parks Act LINK
1976 057 National Parks Act LINK
1935 020 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1936 009 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1955 008 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1958 042 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1961 052 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1962 024 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1965 093 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1967 005 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1969 056 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1970 048 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1974 090 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1979 060 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1982 013 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1983 023 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1986 043 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1987 060 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1990 023 National Parks Amendment Act, No. 23 of 1990 [...repealed by Act 2003_057_090_20050211 (ie as amended by Act 2004_031_028_20050211) LINK
1992 052 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1995 038 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1997 070 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1998 106 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
2001 054 National Parks Amendment Act LINK
1957 022 National Parks and Native Trust Lands Amendment Act LINK
1986 111 National Parks Second Amendment Act LINK
1992 091 National Parks Second Amendment Act LINK
1998 078 National Payment System Act LINK
2004 022 National Payment System Amendment Act LINK
1986 010 National Policy for General Education Affairs Amendment Act LINK
1984 102 National Policy for General Housing Matters Act ("General Housing Matters Act") LINK
1990 116 National Policy for Health Act LINK
2005 012 National Ports Act LINK
1998 032 National Prosecuting Authority Act LINK
2000 061 National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act LINK
2008 056 National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act LINK
2024010National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act, No. 10 of 2024 . LINK
2020001National Public Health Institute of South Africa Act, No. 1 of 2020LINK
2008 067 National Qualifications Framework Act LINK
2019 012 National Qualifications Framework Amendment Act, No. 12 of 2019 LINK
2002 016 National Railway Safety Regulator Act LINK
2008 069 National Railway Safety Regulator Amendment Act LINK
2008 005 National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act LINK
1998 023 National Research Foundation Act, No. 23 of 1998 LINK
2018 019 National Research Foundation Amendment Act, No. 19 of 2018** LINK
1994 027 National Road General Amendment Act LINK
1972 009 National Road Safety Act  LINK
1974 046 National Road Safety Amendment Act LINK
1976 040 National Road Safety Amendment Act LINK
1980 016 National Road Safety Amendment Act LINK
1981 059 National Road Safety Amendment Act LINK
1991 067 National Road Safety Amendment Act LINK
1996 093 National Road Traffic Act LINK
1998 008 National Road Traffic Amendment Act LINK
1999 021 National Road Traffic Amendment Act LINK
2003 020 National Road Traffic Amendment Act LINK
2008 064 National Road Traffic Amendment Act LINK
1935 042 National Roads Act LINK
1971 054 National Roads Act  LINK
1965 052 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1974 026 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1978 038 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1979 003 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1980 066 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1981 093 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1982 005 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1983 010 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1985 058 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1992 100 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1996 024 National Roads Amendment Act LINK
1944 022 National Roads and Ribbon Development Amendment Act LINK
1957 051 National Roads and Transport (Coordination) Amendment Act LINK
1962 019 National Roads and Transport (Coordination) Amendment Act LINK
2003 026 National Small Business Amendment Act LINK
2004 029 National Small Business Amendment Act LINK
1996 102 National Small Enterprise Act [...Title amended by Act  2004_029_005_20041215 - was entitled "National Small Business Enterprise Act"] LINK
2024021National Small Enterprise Amendment Act, No. 21 of 2024 . LINK
1998 110 National Sport and Recreation Act LINK
2007 018 National Sport and Recreation Amendment Act LINK
1970 026 National States Citizenship Act ("Bantu Homelands Citizen Act") LINK
1978 013 National States Citizenship Amendment Act LINK
1988 085 National States Constitution Amendment Act LINK
1990 111 National States Constitution Amendment Act LINK
1994 039 National Strategic Intelligence Act LINK
1998 037 National Strategic Intelligence Amendment Act LINK
2002 067 National Strategic Intelligence Amendment Act LINK
1999 056 National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act LINK
1964 089 National Study Loans and Bursaries Act LINK
1986 008 National Study Loans and Bursaries Act Repeal Act LINK
1970 090 National Study Loans and Bursaries Amendment Act LINK
1978 023 National Study Loans and Bursaries Amendment Act LINK
1970 089 National Supplies Procurement Act LINK
1974 089 National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act LINK
1975 054 National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act LINK
1976 070 National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act LINK
1979 073 National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act LINK
1982 031 National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act LINK
1988 025 National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act LINK
1995 078 National Supplies Procurement Amendment Act LINK
1997 010 National House of Traditional Leaders Act, No. 10 of 1997 [...was entitled "Council of Traditional Leaders Act"] LINK
2009 022 National House of Traditional Leaders Act, No. 22 of 2009 LINK
2006 026 National Transport Transition Amendment Act LINK
1998 101 National Veld and Forest Fire Act, No. 101 of 1998 [... Title amended by Act 2023_013_009_20240403 - later entitled "National Veldfire Act, 1998"] LINK
2023 013 National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Act, No. 13 of 2023 LINK
1998101National Veldfire Act, No. 101 of 1998 [... Title amended by Act 2023_013_009_20240403 - was entitled "National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998"]LINK
1970081National War Fund ActLINK
1972 040 National War Fund Amendment Act LINK
1998 036 National Water Act LINK
1999 045 National Water Amendment Act LINK
1965 079 National Welfare Act LINK
1978 100 National Welfare Act LINK
1971 013 National Welfare Amendment Act LINK
1976 044 National Welfare Amendment Act LINK
1978 077 National Welfare Amendment Act LINK
1986 018 National Welfare Amendment Act (House of Representatives) LINK
1996 019 National Youth Commission Act  LINK
2000 019 National Youth Commission Amendment Act  LINK
2008 054 National Youth Development Agency Act, No. 54 of 2008 LINK
1932 014 Nationalization and Amnesty Act LINK
1920 023 Native Affairs Act ("Black Affairs Act") LINK
1961 079 Natives (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act ("Urban Bantu Councils Act") LINK
1913 027 Natives' Land ("Black Land") Act LINK
1923 006 Natural and Historical Monuments Act LINK
1934 004 Natural and Historical Monuments, Relics and Antiques Act LINK
1997 086 Natural Fathers of Children Born out of Wedlock Act LINK
1937 009 Natural Monuments Amendment Act LINK
1942 046 Natural Oil Act LINK
1951 006 Natural Oil Amendment Act LINK
1963 005 Natural Oil Amendment Act LINK
1998 023 National Research Foundation Act, No. 23 of 1998 LINK
2017 019 National Research Foundation Amendment Act, No. 19 of 2017** [See under Act 2018_019_000_20190506] LINK
2018 019 National Research Foundation Amendment Act, No. 19 of 2018** LINK
1947 051 Natural Re//sources Development Act LINK
1955 030 Natural Resources Development Amendment Act LINK
1993 106 Natural Scientific Professions Act LINK
2003 027 Natural Scientific Professions Act LINK
1982 055 Natural Scientists' Act LINK
1985 077 Natural Scientists' Amendment Act LINK
1987 073 Natural Scientists' Amendment Act LINK
1990 046 Natural Scientists' Amendment Act LINK
1942 035 Naturalization and Status of Aliens Amendment Act [...repealed by Act 1949_044_042_19490708 Sch2] LINK
1928 027 Naturalization of Aliens (South West Africa) Act LINK
1910 004 Naturalization of Aliens Act LINK
1925 037 New Cape Central Railway Acquisition Act LINK
2015 020 New Development Bank Special Appropriation Act, No. 20 of 2015 LINK
1913 026 New Fiscal Divisions (Cape) Act LINK
1941 029 New Motor Car Sales Tax Act LINK
1934 014 Newspaper and Imprint Act, No. 14 of 1934 [...repealed by Act 1971_063_015] LINK
1971063Newspaper Registration Act, No. 63 of 1971 [... Title amended by Act 1993_043_000_015_19930416 - previously entitled "Newspaper and Imprint Registratoin Act, 1971] [... repealed by Act  1994_018_000_19941125] LINK
1946 037 N'Jelele Irrigation District Adjustment Act LINK
1997 071 Nonprofit Organisations Act LINK
2000 017 Nonprofit Organisations Amendment Act LINK
1993 087 Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act LINK
1995 050 Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act LINK
1996 059 Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Amendment Act LINK
1913 029 North Barrow and Weenen Commonages Amendment Act LINK
1963 075 Northern Vyfhoek Settlement Adjustment Act LINK
1937 057 Notarial Bonds (Natal) 1932, Amendment Act LINK
1932 018 Notarial Bonds (Natal) Act LINK
1982 092 Nuclear Energy Act LINK
1993 131 Nuclear Energy Act LINK
1999 046 Nuclear Energy Act LINK
1985 021 Nuclear Energy Amendment Act LINK
1987 043 Nuclear Energy Amendment Act LINK
1988 056 Nuclear Energy Amendment Act LINK
1991 020 Nuclear Energy Amendment Act LINK
1963 043 Nuclear Installations (Licensing and Security) Act LINK
1967 089 Nuclear Installations (Licensing and Security) Amendment Act LINK
1976 091 Nuclear Installations (Licensing and Security) Amendment Act LINK
1978 022 Nuclear Installations (Licensing and Security) Amendment Act LINK
1974 038 Nuclear Installations Amendment (Licensing and Security) Amendment Act LINK
2008 053 Nuclear Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute, No. 53 of 2008 LINK
1944 045 Nursing Act LINK
1957 069 Nursing Act LINK
1978 050 Nursing Act LINK
2005 033 Nursing Act LINK
1946 012 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1970 031 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1972 050 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1973 014 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1981 071 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1982 070 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1987 056 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1992 021 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1993 145 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1995 005 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1997 019 Nursing Amendment Act LINK
1955 063 Nursing Council and Board Continuation Act LINK


Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2019